Go fully into one facet of yourself and you may find a whole world – perhaps even a profession. Such is the case with Madame Sophie, who emerged as an alter ego when Jody Kaylor allowed specific qualities of hers to be concentrated into one form. Madame Sophie's mission is to assist others in discovering and celebrating themselves through clothing, accessories and exquisite self-awareness.

Having spent 15 years of her adult life in Paris, and possessing extensive knowledge in how color, shape, and style reflect an individual's unique self-presentation, Jody Kaylor allows these traits of hers to come fully to the fore when she is Madame Sophie. This magical ride of self-discovery results in a new way to relate to your wardrobe – one that you love, and fully reflects who you are.

While she is based in Marin County, California – a region of great personal expression and style – Madame Sophie is the consummate cosmopolitan, at home in any city. She delights in the opportunity to work work with clients where they find themselves, both in physical location and in attitude. As Madame Sophie likes to say: "I will show you to you."